Do I need another Substack you ask? Well yes. I do. It’s time we talked about Kit Marlowe. Regularly. Sensibly. I have a lot of things to share that I’ve been sitting on, and I know there’s a whole bunch of people interested in Marlowe who might be interested in gathering here.
If you don’t know who I am, I’m a Marlowe researcher of nearly twenty years’ standing, with a bunch of peer-reviewed articles on Marlowe, and author of a prizewinning Marlowe biofiction, The Marlowe Papers. Earlier this year, I was made Patron of the Marlowe Society. I’m three-times winner of the Annual Calvin & Rose G Hoffman Award for a distinguished work on Christopher Marlowe.
My main focus here will be literary-historical: to re-examine the life of Marlowe (from approx 6 February 1964 to 30 May 1593) and, from time to time, the circumstances of his apparently violent death in Deptford, at the age of 29. Mostly, though, the life. Because I think he has suffered approximately 430 years of slander, and it is time to set the record straight.
I hope you will join me.
I, for one, am thrilled to see a substack devoted to the resurrection of Kit Marlowe. I can only imagine how full your plate is right now, Ros, and as a longtime fan of your work, I'm saddened that you were subjected to addressing someone's grievances on the first day of your new endeavor. Nevertheless... from one who has been studying the Authorship Question since the fall of 1968, when, as a theatre major at the University of California-Santa Barbara, my drama professor handed me a copy of a book entitled "The Murder of the Man Who Was Shakespeare" by Calvin Hoffman... kudos to you for launching it!
I'm so sorry that your first thread on "Resurrecting Kit Marlowe" was so unpleasant for you. { BTW. I read his book. Really NOT impressed with his conclusion). Anyway, sending you good thoughts and affection. Kim.